Leland P Brown Elementary

Thurston County
Postal Code
2000 26th Avenue Northwest

Leland P Brown Elementary is a public school located in a mid-size suburb setting in Thurston County County, Olympia, Washington. The Leland P Brown Elementary serves grades 6 to 8 and has a population of 234 students.

Leland P Brown Elementary Overview

The Leland P Brown Elementary is ranked 241 out of 409 public schools in Washington. The Leland P Brown Elementary’s reading proficiency ranks 335, while math proficiency ranks 431. 27% of the students achieve proficiency in math which is lower than the Washington State’s 50%. Additionally, 42% of the students achieve proficiency in reading against the Washington State’s average of 57%.

Leland P Brown Elementary records average academic progress with low test scores compared to similar students in Washington. However, the progress shows that even though the starting point is below average, the Leland P Brown Elementary’s students strive to keep up with their peers in the Washington State.

The Leland P Brown Elementary has an enrollment of 50% male and 50% female. The diversity score stands at 41% compared to Washington’s 60%. Student minority enrollment stands at 56% compared to the Washington State’s 40%. In addition, 77% of the students come from economically challenged families. They depend on the free or reduced lunch program.

Leland P Brown Elementary has a student-teacher ratio of 17:1, compared to the State’s 18:1. All 11 teachers are certified, have more than three years of experience. Leland P Brown Elementary also works on a full-time basis. The Leland P Brown Elementary has no full-time counsellor.

Contact Details

For more details, you can visit the Leland P Brown Elementary at 2000 26th Avenue Northwest, Olympia, Washington, 98502 or call 360-596-6800. You can also visit Leland P Brown Elementary’s website for more information.


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